Could this be the Best Fuel for a Woodburning Stove?
Decorator's Wife
This has been a long time coming and we should have shouted about this long ago but there were so many unsung heroes over Christmas that we had to leave Certainly Wood at the bottom of the log pile.
That's not to say they're undeserving, anything but and not just for the incredible quality of their wood either.
Certainly Wood went above and beyond when we placed an order and they also managed to surprise us, not an easy feat for Consumer Voice reviewers. Not only did they keep communication channels wide open at all times, they also gave us a delivery time to the nearest ten minutes.
When we received the wood, we were blown away by the size, for the price, this was a very generous offering but it doesn't stop there.
Now we have 8 log burners at the offices along with our very own renewable forest. We get through a lot of wood. We've had a lot of wood delivered from soft to hard and in-between. Normally, it's a little damp or so soft it burns in seconds. There is rarely a middle ground.
Occasionally we've picked up a bag of logs from the garage for £6 per 4 logs. We won't be doing that again.
This wood was so dry it didn't need firelighters, although the natural wax dipped lighters that CW threw in for free were very welcome for the outdoor Chimnea. It burned beautifully, smelled fantastic and lasted a long long time (another reason why we've been slow to post, we wanted to see just how long it would last).
We'll get back to you!